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Copyright for Students

Reusing Images and Other Things from the Internet

Whilst images and materials on websites are free to view and content can easily be downloaded, they are almost certain to be subject to copyright and, if so, the concepts of fair dealing and sufficient acknowledgement and attribution still apply.

It can be difficult to establish whether an image or text from a website is original content, or, if not, if the site owner has permission to use that material. Some websites have Terms of Use that are explicit about what you can and cannot do with content.

You can also search for CC-licensed and public domain content via search services like OpenVerse that bring together images and materials for reuse under open licenses.

The University of Leeds has created a list of recommended sites for to find open content you can use for free.

As a general rule, any copies made for research purposes should be from the original works rather than copies reproduced elsewhere.

Illegal downloading of copyright material such as films, ebooks, games, TV programmes or software is not permitted.

Authors and rights holders can – and do – use tools to search for unauthorised copies of their work and by reusing images or downloading content without permission you may be putting yourself and the West Suffolk College at risk of legal action.